Elderflower Tea from Fresh Flowers

by Nick on June 24, 2010

I recently went with the Transition Town Stoke Newington food group on a foraging trip in Abney Park.  The park is full of Elder trees , their flowers spreading in all direction like tiny fireworks.  When I got home I made a simple tea from the heads I had gathered.  It was too bitter and the sappy flavour of the stems was too strong.  I’ve since improved on my technique and suggest the following method:

Elderflower tea (to be drunk hot or iced)

Take 15 large heads of elderflowers and put in the freezer for 30 minutes.  Remove and quickly pull off the flowers into a large bowl or pot.  They should come off cleanly but make sure to remove all the stems from the flowers.  Pour a kettle of boiling water over and steep for 10 minutes then strain.  Serve hot or let cool and serve over ice.


danielle June 28, 2010 at 12:28 pm

Great tip, Nick! I missed the Transition Town Stoke Newington foraging walk but did a little walk of my own and am enjoying homemade elderflower cordial now, using the recipe sent around on the TTSN food list. So easy to make even I managed it!

wfildba April 22, 2011 at 7:31 pm

kimo5o xdluokgzabpp

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