If you’re free this weekend I can heartily recommend going to check out what’s going on in the FARM:shop on Dalston Lane. They are experimenting with aquaponics in a former shop in Hackney and are throwing open their doors this weekend:
We’re opening our doors from 1pm – 9pm on the Saturday and the Sunday to see in this festive season. We’re going to be serving up stew that’s made on our sister Farm, Church Farm, Alderley, (where they’re still harvesting veg), Redemption Pale Ale, Bloody Marys, Whiskey Macs and some cakes made with our very own rooftop eggs.
This weekend will be a pre-empter and fundraiser for the cafe, which we are hoping to open early next year. If you would like to donate some baked goods, if you’ve made far too many mince pies, we will be very happy to sell them!
The flier’s attached, please come on down with friends and loved ones, we look forward to seeing you!
If you want to get involved…
FARM:shop has BIG plans for 2011 and will be recruiting teams of volunteers to fill the space with delicious food, great people and exciting projects.
We will be looking for teams of people to:
– run the cafe
– grow as much food as possible (and keep the chickens smiling)
– coordinate education and community projects
– put on exciting eventsIf you’re interested in getting involved and helping to fill the space with fun and food, we’d love to talk to you and hear your ideas over an ale this weekend…
Festive cheers from us at,
FARM:shopHere are some links:
Click on the flyer:
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Ada beberapa kemungkinan penyebab dimaksudkan untuk sakit telinga yang besar. Gigi berlubang, infeksi sinus, kotoran telinga, radang amandel, SERTA gigi grinding umumnya hampir semua penyebab relatif umum. Tapi banyak infeksi telinga umum Anda sendiri bisa otitis media akut (AOM), atau mungkin infeksi telinga tengah yang baik. Ini dicirikan datang dari bengkak SELAIN bagian terinfeksi dari telinga tengah. rasa sakit yang terkait dengan AOM biasanya disebabkan dari cairan menjadi terperangkap di belakang gendang telinga Anda saat ini. Gejalanya bisa berupa demam besar, nyeri di dalam telinga, gangguan pendengaran ringan, DAN merasa sakit di seluruh umum. Bayi BESERTA anak mungkin gelisah DAN JUGA menarik dengan telinga.